Janene and Chantel Knudsvig, chefs extraordinaire.
Scott Lynch and Cody Dukart servin' it up. These guys are both on the Dunn Center Volunteer Fire Crew. They had a fire truck ready in case flames got out of control.
Let's eat!
Between 150-200 people showed up.
The musicians were Veikley & Dammen from Minot. These guys were a class act; the crowd loved every second of their Dakota flavored swing jazz.
Hi Chris, Wonder if you could provide us unfortunates who live so far away a few details of the Cream Can suppers. What all is cooked in the cans? Is this just an annual event? I would so much love to attend one. When's the next one? Thanks!!
Preparation goes something like this: (a) collect cream cans, corn, sausage, onions, taters, cabbage, carrots, etc.; (b) start a blazing fire with scraps of hard wood, (d) place all the ingredients into large, spotless cream cans; (e) add a couple quarts of water or beer; (f) let it boil for 1 hour or so; and (g) serve up a great meal for a lot of hungry friends and neighbors.
Next one will be a year from last Saturday if all goes as planned.
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