Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Youngsters showed up at Dunn Center City Hall to let old Sandy Claus in on what they wanted for Christmas. I'd listen, ask a few questions, and then hand each one a brown paper bag filled with peanuts in the shell, an apple, and a candy cane.
I can't say I did the greatest job of playing Kris Kringle, but I enjoyed trying. It's possible I was the only one Mayor Brown could find who could fit into the suit!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Grandpa and Grandma invited Hana and me and the folks over for a lutefisk supper last night. Lutefisk is cod Jell-O mixed with lye. The sad part is that I'm beginning to like it. Hana about gagged.
One good thing about lutefisk is, if placed strategically, it will keep raccoons from living under your house. Come spring, though, you might find some Norwegians under there.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
From her obituary:
Vivian has been woven into my life since I was in first grade, when she was my first Sunday School teacher. Earlier this year I volunteered to drive her to Bismarck for some errands. When we arrived home, she handed me a check to buy two wooden rocking chairs for my front porch. When I protested, she told me to think of the chairs as a housewarming gift. She said she wanted young people stay and flourish in Dunn Center, and she hinted that a second rocking chair might help attract a partner into my life. Perhaps I have her to thank for my girlfriend![Vivian] thoroughly enjoyed riding her horse, Snip, to and from school and had other horses throughout her youth, including Fleet and Coalie. Part of her was a daring tomboy who was thrilled to be her dad’s farm/ranch helper. She loved trailing cattle to and from her father’s homestead in the Little Missouri Badlands. She loved to reminisce about her youth and especially enjoyed growing up with her Kling cousins.
Vivian had a heart as big as Dunn County and spent most of her life serving her family and others. She loved family trips, camping at Voigt’s Bay, her father’s cabin at Lake Ilo, family reunions, history, holidays and picnics. She pursued her passions with gusto and will be remembered for growing cherry tomatoes year-round, baking delicious buns and taking photos of everyone and everything that touched her heart. She enjoyed studying God’s word, was an avid Christian-radio listener and freely shared her faith with anyone. She loved half cups of hot, hot coffee and the challenge of serving good, hot meals to horseback riders moving cattle to or from the Badlands.
Hana and Vivian became friends immediately when they met in June. Vivian hired Hana once a week to clean her house, organize pictures, and curl her hair. Hana and I are both very sad this week. We wish there was still a light on in the old house across the street.
The funeral will be this Wednesday. I'll be trucking and, unfortunately, will miss both the wake and funeral.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Song order:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Corpse
- Michael Jackson
- Stomach's on Fire
- All the Things I Done Wrong
- Day's Wages
- Buddha Chant
- Pegasus
- Mister, I Can't Save Your Daughter
- Tsunami
- Your Mind is Mine
Dunn Center is looking Christmas-y today. Snow has arrived. The post office and city hall both put up their plastic trees.
Also, two Black Angus bulls broke through Vivian's fence and are roaming through town.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November has been beautiful. The temperature reached 63 today. October was miserably cold and wet.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you also for being an active local citizen with a strong voice. I'm posting a short part of a letter you just submitted to The Dunn County Herald regarding national health care reform:
"What if Medicare could be raised high up in scope and national kindness and human dignity? What if it could become a comprehensive program to protect us all from sickening anxieties and the resultant deterioration of family morale due to unmanageable health care costs?"Gramps, I appreciate your bravery on and off the field and for always challenging your fellow Earthlings to strive for peace and justice.
Bob Sand, Killdeer
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Neighbors Barb and Ed Danks have given Hana and me much of the harvest from their big garden. They've also loaned us their food dryer. We've been dehydrating apples, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and beets.
Dad and I are building a west-facing, 9'x25' rock patio on the west side of the house. I hope the ground doesn't freeze solid before we finish.
There is a wee mouse in the house of late. Resident canine, Gilda, is consumed with catching it. She is a good dog.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Picked two ice-cream pails of chokecherries and wild plums. Syrup soon.
Moving earth around for a patio on the east side of house.
Aunt Christi and Uncle Ken are visiting G & G. They are hosting a steak and salmon supper. Cousin Justin and his wife, Sarah, will be there, too.
The temperature has hovered around 90 F. this week.
Last week, neighbors Ed and Barb took Hana and me out for a spin around Lake Sakakawea on their pontoon boat. We indulged in much swimming and eating of snacks. In the evening, we witnessed a large harvest moon rising over Beulah.
Ed and Barb have a garden that Hana helps water and weed. We receive abundant veggies in return.
Hana and I bought two old blue one-speed bikes at a yard sale.
I lay on the humid prairie tonight and watched the air.
Monday, September 14, 2009
As for viewing the feature-length (74 min.) Roll Out, Cowboy documentary yesterday, it was a mind-bender. I winced a few times, which is inevitable--it's mostly about my life and those closest to me. I also laughed a lot. It made me think. I'm proud of Elizabeth L., Elizabeth R., and Warner B. for seeing this thing through so quickly and professionally.
They will send it out to film festivals beginning next week. I hope it has a long festival run.
It's of the moment and has a generous pinch of prairie dust magic to it. It's good.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What I like best is a book that's at least funny once in a while.... What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though. - J. D. Salinger
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Yesterday Hana and I drove to Voight's Bay on Lake Sakakawea for a swim. Lake Sakakawea is just a 15-minute drive north, but the road in has been blocked for years. Neighbor Don Hall, who fishes there for walleye and catfish, told me it was open again.
This is great news! Used to have to drive over an hour, through Mandaree, to get to the next nearest bay.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Gramps has recently been recovering from a bout of diverticulitis. Our conversation went something like this:
Grandpa: (enthusiastically) Do you know what diverticulitis is?
Me: No.
Grandpa: It's when your diverticulosis flares up.
Me: What's diverticulosis?
Grandpa: It's when the diverticula in your entrails bulge.
Me: What are diverticula?
Grandpa: That's when you have many, many diverticulum.
Me: What's a diverticulum?
Grandpa: It's one of my bulging diverticula. That's why my diverticulosis flared up.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
1. Lightning struck a tree in the backyard of where I was staying and shredded it like raw chicken. It also traumatized two dogs and destroyed the house's wireless router.
2. While driving south from Tacoma on the I-5, a wheel off the big rig in front of me zinged off its axle and zanged downhill at 80 mph, across four lanes of traffic. It broke off a highway sign in the median as it went and barely avoided causing multiple wrecks. The last thing I saw of this satanic tire was when it hit the northbound's outside guard rail and popped fifty feet into the sky over some trees and into the void.
3. Dickinson, ND, the nearest sizable town to where I live, got hammered by a tornado on July 8th. Damage is estimated at $20 million. To see a YouTube video of the twister's aftermath (featuring an odd Michael Jackson soundtrack) click here.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I'm still in Washington state. I play my last gig here tomorrow night in Bremerton. Here's an article that came out today in the North Kitsap Herald to promote the show.
Next week I drive west to Ronan, MT, for my 20-year high school reunion!
Though I miss North Dakota terribly, I've been having a relaxing time here swimming, recording, visiting, and eating.
My new black hat--the one I bought in Dallas last February--was used in a photo shoot last week. See it here. I don't know who the model is. The photographer is Scott Areman. He wants to do a photo shoot with me on Saturday. I'll post a pic then.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Concrete, WA, tonight!
Friday, July 03, 2009
My fully packed warrior-Subaru "Pearl Drop" could not take me the 700 miles across Montana to celebrate Independence Day with my Herak/Sullivan relatives. In fact, she barely made it the 45 miles to Dickinson to visit a mechanic. After a six-hour wait, she was diagnosed as "not worth saving." I will sadly have to skip the Montana family reunion and begin my search for a new vehicle.
At least it happened close to home and not somewhere near Terry or Rosebud.
Dad was my hero today, a common occurrence. This time he spent 10 hours chauffeuring me to car lots to look for something decent for under $1500, but no luck.
On the bright side, juneberries on the Mountain are getting fat and ripe. After 10 years of poor crops, this year looks like a winner.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My appreciations haven't changed much.
If you'd like to hear a cut from my latest CD, All the Things I Done Wrong, here's a timely one: "Michael Jackson."
"Michael Jackson" was produced in 2007, by Shawn Parke, as a demo--as were all the songs off of All the Things I Done Wrong. This CD may, now, due to lack of funds, be released in a more raw form. Shawn made the funky beats.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My upcoming CD has a song called "Michael Jackson," dedicated to him:
"Michael Jackson it's a long ride back home
Chi-town, Motown, I found your crown
In the middle of a Montana pasture
And that sound was the sound of rapture . . ."
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday I went to the Dunn County Historical Society meeting. Helen McMahen retired as secretary. In honor of her thirty years of service, they served Koolaid and cake and gave her a plaque.
Friday I partook in a Burnin' Daylight Adventure at Ted and Dawn Kupper's ranch. After a meal of burgers and beans, Shawn Goodall, with his girlfriend Laci's help, loaded sixteen of us into a sturdy wagon hitched to his Belgian draft horses, Ram and Rod. We rode for two hours through some of western North Dakota's most breathtaking breaks and badlands. Laci got the gates. Upon return to camp, I sang songs such as "Home on the Range" and "She'll Be Comin' Around the Mountain" next to the campfire, while the little kids made s'mores. [Plug: you should join us on one of these adventures--they are very affordable. A wagon ride alone is priceless. Click on the above link for more info.]
Yesterday I performed at the annual Pit Barbeque in Manning in exchange for supper and a rugby-sized chunk of buffalo meat. The meat was wrapped in denim and bound in wire. It was dragged out of a dirt pit full of dozens of other denim-wrapped, wire-bound hunks of cooked pork, beef, and bison. A highlight of the event for me was having Grandpa join me with his harmonica on "I Ride an Old Paint."
Happy Father's Day, Dad (pictured), and Happy Solstice, everyone!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Decomposing carp, like coelacanth fossils, line the shore below. The air is humid and dank. Large white toadstools populate the forest edge. Turtles, like children of Egyptian pharaohs, sun themselves on naked logs next to half-baked frogs.
Lake Ilo is well-maintained but rarely visited. In my eyes, it's a hidden treasure as precious as Manhattan's Central Park Lake.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Happy 90th, Grandpa! I wrote you a song.
Sandy Bob
It's cloudy in the west and it's lookin' like rain
Your durned ol' slicker's in the wagon again
Sandy Bob
On a ten-dollar horse and a forty-dollar saddle
You set out punchin' them Wolf Point cattle
Sandy Bob
There's a lot of things a lot of people might not know about you
You don't like to brag, you just don't seem to need to
Sandy Bob, you're a good grandpa
Sandy Bob, you're a great grandpa, Sandy Bob
You built you a cabin with your own two hands
You found you a woman who would share your brand, Sandy Bob
There's a lot of things a lot of people might not know about you
You seek the truth and you just don't like to be lied to
Sandy Bob, you're a good grandpa
Sandy Bob, you're a great grandpa, Sandy Bob
You built you a cabin with your own two hands
You found you a woman who would share your brand, Sandy Bob
Sandy Bob, you're a good grandpa
Sandy Bob, you're a great grandpa
Cowboy, boxer, horseman, carpenter
First lieutenant and a parole officer
You're good with leather and you're good with words
You walk with God and you talk to birds, Sandy Bob
Oh Sandy, Sandy
(whistle outro)
Notes: Cousin Jenny took the above picture. Yesterday, Grandpa and Grandma were given an honorary plaque in the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame. Tonight there will be a birthday bash at the Buckskin Bar in Killdeer--everyone's welcome. It's currently snowing outside and the ground is white!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I've been scraping flaky lead paint off my bedroom walls the last two days. Dad helped me texture my bedroom and bathroom ceilings yesterday. Now I'm ready to prime and paint those two rooms.
A white horse and a white pony have recently appeared in the small, tree-filled pasture across from my house. They wind through the branches like phantom pegasuses. They pace through the weeds like bored unicorns.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Like those things from [under my parents' deck] that spring from the gloom. . ."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I haven't had a trucking run since December.
My new CD, All the Things I Done Wrong, will be pressed by October, granted the grant I applied for gets granted.
Boss Goodall tells me that I might be driving again by midsummer. I can last that long by playing some shows and working for the Dunn County Historical Society.
Banjo picker Billy Faier is still in the neighborhood. He's been staying with my folks. He and I spent Memorial Day weekend performing at the 23rd Annual Dakota Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Medora. Billy fired up the audience like no one I've seen and sold twenty CDs in a matter of minutes. He backed me up on two songs, and I backed him up on "The Great Assembly." Now I can say that I've played music and traveled with someone who's played music and traveled with both Guthrie and Van Zandt! Billy quit performing with Townes after only ten shows, because Townes would get drunk and then insist on driving the van after the show.
As for me, I'm bored with being a ragged rambler. I 'm ready for a more balanced life. I want a strong body, a green garden, and a hard-headed woman. My life as a troubadour is not over, but in the future I plan to travel in style like J.D. Salinger or Harry Belafonte or John Lennon.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
He's snoring soundly at the moment.
Billy's an extraordinarily talented folk singer. I mentioned in an earlier blog that he and Ramblin' Jack Elliot once traveled and performed with Woody Guthrie from New York to San Francisco. Woody was beginning to struggle with Huntington's disease at the time, but he could still rock a crowd.
Billy has a website where anyone can freely download albums he's cut over the last 52 years.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Time is a great healer, I know, but sometimes time passes too slow.
My neighbor Vivian visited today while I was exercising. She promised to bring my ailment to her prayer circle.
I welcome all prayers, suggestions, and bottles of pills.
Please send to: Chris "Hank Williams" Sand / PO Box 7 / Dunn Center, ND 58626
Friday, May 15, 2009
Meanwhile the record player spins.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
"I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast,I blinded the Cyclops, shunned the sirens, and chilled with Achilles in Hades.
But I just rocked America, coast to coast."
"I flew to LA, I flew to New York,I avoided supping with the Lotus-Eaters. I failed, however, from molesting the cattle of Helios.
Everybody's sick from eatin' too much pork."
"Skiddly bebop a we rock, scooby doo,Happy to be home!
Guess what, North Dakota--I love you."
Sunday, May 10, 2009
To My Mother
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Happy 90th Pete!
After a final humbling show last night, New York, as of this morning (even though it's raining buckets), is suddenly looking brighter. Off to Madison Square Gardens for the concert of a lifetime.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I go thar wi' a wild and wick'd wannion to pillage pig villages and eat their scurvy brains like cancer'd bacon.
('Tis the nature of a buccanneer.)
If squiffy or sprog should ask who keelhaul'd the privateers, tell them 'tis I, the vicious Cap'n Red Eye!
Me furner's furnace be burnin'. Aye, until the black spot withers . . . to the New World we go!
Monday, April 27, 2009
I once wrote a song called "Reuben Benz," in which I fantasized about stealing carrots and onions from his garden late at night. The song was a playful tribute to a man who represented all that's good and generous about rural North Dakota.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
After dessert, Grandpa and I retired to the living room. We had a short conversation that went something like this:
Grandpa: "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Do you know who said that?
Me: Um, Churchill?
G: Shakespeare! Can you imagine that someone that many, many, many years ago said something like that? "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." That's great!
Me: Yep, I know. Sometimes I think that Jesus and Shakespeare are the two smartest guys I've ever met.
G: (with glee) Right-O! You are correct. Jesus and Shakespeare are the two smartest guys I've ever met.
Me: I guess Abe Lincoln was pretty smart, too.
G: You know who else I think is pretty damned smart?
Me: Who?
G: Obama!
Me: I'm surprised you think that. (Guiltily) A lot
G: I mean it. Obama is the first president since Eisenhower whom I feel I could truly love. You know what I mean? He's so damned smart!
Me: (Unsure) I guess so. He's definitely smart. (Long pause) Well, I'd better go. I need to work on the Museum newsletter. (Putting on shoes, kissing Grandma.) Bye, Grandma. Bye, Gramps. Thanks for supper. You guys sure take of me. I love you.
First used by Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) in An Essay on Criticism, 1709:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."