Saturday, August 06, 2005

My house is in Dunn Center. Population: 105.

This is the side of my new house.

This is the front porch from the living room door.

These are some guns on my couch that I found in the closet.

This is the month and year that the previous homeowner died. This calendar is hanging on the bathroom wall.

Although I live in the town of Dunn Center, I practically live in the country. Half a block north is a wheat field that stretches on to infinity. You can see the Killdeer Mountains hazily in the background.


Chris Sand said...

fyi-you can click on pics to enlarge them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, I am envious. Really nice and peaceful looking.

Anonymous said...

so did you find lots of good stuff in your house?? those guns were quite a find. can't beleive they were left there and nobody stole them. what an honest community dunn center must be.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new home...ownership begins the path of eternal maintenance...
Loving the photos of last couple months-helps to locate you.

Anonymous said...

So the porch has been cleaned and everything right? Think about it this way you not only paid a 1000 for house but you could turn around and have a garage sell with all the stuff inside and get some money back.

Chris Sand said...

I had to give the guns back to his nephew. Everything else in there is part of the house except for clothes and junk.