Pops and I went to the mountain today and I snowmobiled. The drifts made great jumps. I got stuck a few times going down too narrow of trails (snowmobiles don't reverse!). I also wrecked once off a steep jump. Tomorrow I might go up again with Grandpa and ride Shorty or Josh's horse. They've been lonely during this cold spell. While there I saw a great horned owl, and Dad found a fresh four-point deer antler in the snow. Mom made apple pie. Can anyone say All-American?! I'm starting to feel that way, at least. More acutely I feel like a walking fault line--one leg is on the floating west coast and one is firmly on the mainland. My kiwis, however, which used to be compressed between the tectonic plates of Juan de Fuca, are now being boiled (like peanuts) in the hot lava of Mt. St. Helen's.
Thank you ma'am, er. . .sir?!! Anonynimity is an intoxicating glass of Port. My blindfold is on like a Portuguese matador. Or Luke Skywalker. My light saber is is a beating heart.
hey, why was my comment removed by a blog administrator? who is the blog administrator anyway?
Yeah, who is the blog administrator? It's possible I accidentally erased it while trying to correct the ending sentence of my comment to your comment to say..."My light saber is my beating heart," but it wouldn't let me delete it. I liked the original comment which said:
"the more i learn about you, the more i like you. you have a complex bouquet, like a fine wine."
Sorry for the confusion.
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