Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day!! Three cheers for LOVE.

The show at the Matrix Coffee House went well. Low turnout, but a cool environment. They fed me a huge plate of pork-chops, peas, and potatos. Baby Gramps, the eccentric legendary guitar vaudevillian, happened to be drinking coffee when I arrived and he decided to hang out a couple extra hours and watch my show. He was on his way to Portland from Seattle. What an all-around cool guy Gramps is. He gave me a lot of inside contacts of places to play and people to call and expressed interest in playing a series of shows together at some point. I'd open up for him for free just to tap into his huge audience.

I'm busier than ever booking shows until June and preparing for the West Coast tour in five days not to mention a show at the East Side Tavern in two hours.

And I almost forgot to mention; my parents are about to buy a house. They live in a small, over-heated apartment in Killdeer, North Dakota, but found a really cool, old house for sale for only $25,000. That's one year's rent in Manhattan! It turns out that my dad's great-uncle built it ninety-or-so years ago (which they were completely unaware of when bidding for it). Meanwhile my dad is also building a house on my grandparents' ranch on Killdeer Mountain. Now they'll have their Winter and Summer homes only eleven miles apart! I love North Dakota.

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