The woman on the right is my grandma Edna Sand.
Tomorrow we'll have another panel. Tuesday we're hosting a catered feast at the Dunn Center Park.
Here's a poster advertising recent events, including Sacagawea Day from two weeks ago.
We had many visitors throughout the day.
Here are some folks from Centralia, WA, practicing spinning wool on the spinning machine that Grandpa built last winter. Actually, the woman with gold hair is Alice Goetz, a local. She ran Alice's Restaurant for many years.
what exactly is a homesteader?
the website below gives a good definition
your grandmother was a homesteader? was this act not sunset by the time your grandmother came of age? interesting...
Grandma was a child of homesteaders, as were others on the panel. They still have memories of what the homesteads were like and were able to share stories passed down from their parents.
wow, that's amazing. america is so young--- it's hard to keep that perspective.
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