Tuesday, October 11, 2005

my love,

*(these are cherry tomatoes. hand picked. for you.)


Anonymous said...

thank you!
back at you!

Anonymous said...

that photo is kinda creepy.....

Anonymous said...

hi c.s.and,
i think about you here and there. wanted to drop a line so came here for some nice voyering. would ask what you have been up to but its all here. except what isn't. i'm back in olympia. I hang out at yr old house fairly often. I look at thoes nice napkins you sent me with the fiddles on them. Don't have the will to use em unfortunitly. perhaps when i have a fine dinner party or something not messy. Might try them stuffed in a jacket pocket, like they do on the tux. I don't have a phone, but email me at skinfight@hotmail.com

(p.s. myself finds the photo nice.)