Thursday, October 27, 2005

My blog yacht hit an iceberg.


Anonymous said...

thats too bad. i have enjoyed the pictures and the poetry.

Anonymous said...

WILMA = IM LAW (maybe god angry?)

Anonymous said...

I think it would be interesting to know who everyone is that reads the sandman blog. I'll start...

My name is Kirby Sand, Chris's first cousin and biggest fan. I live in Corvallis Oregon. The best Sandman concert ever was a spontaneous one in South Dakota at a cabin in the woods.

Anonymous said...

I'm Rebeca. I'm a member of Chris's Olympia posse. For my birthday one year, he gave me his varsity tennis letter, which happens to be an orange R outlined in black. That honor is rivaled by being invited to be part of the backup ensemble for Folk Legend. Oh, and he's slept on my couch at least once and been naked in my shower. (Am I showing off?)

Anonymous said...

this is alex/winona rider/lonesome shorty supertramp (what else have i posted under?). part of sandy's olympia posse as well. currently writing from velva north dakota(?!). but i'm a winona minnesotan as well as an olympian. in fact, was hoping to trek down and see chris and watership down today...or get him up to these parts of NoDak to visit my grandma who has a crush on the boy. i always visit this website and check in on our sandpal. i pretty much like him and stuff. i could spin all sorts of yarns about the man of sand, but i'll only share this for now:
i have a mini-sandman museum parked in winona...stuff that he has said goodbye too etc.
what do you think...should there be a wing of the dunn county museum about sandman?
i think the farmers and milkmaidens would find great surprise in some of the slippery parts of their rural curator.
rebeca--i too was in the folk legend chorus. i was the one that sang like an angel.
i'm alex.

Anonymous said...

"ivee": i don't know chris. i've lurked in the back at a few of his shows- too intimidated by his lyrical prowess and rugged lasciviousness to introduce myself. i know- creepy to say the least. ha. i do know and love sandman (slippery goodstuff not so much) through his music. cheeze.

ivee (*

rhein said...

my name is rhein, i don't think i know chris, but i beat him hands down at the 1989 battle of the bangs:). i live in MI, and often times in TX, i like to write and to take pretty pictures. that's all.