Cindy Wonderful, the Crunk's Not Dead boss mama, finally listened to (return to) the blackhole...(of outerspace). Here are her comments in a letter to the album's co-creator, Timezone LaFontaine:
"'s totally incredible, by far my favorite thing i have ever heard him do, from start to finish... i am very proud to have it coming out on crunks not dead."
And later.
"i really really really think this album is great; totally great."
And from Jason in Florida regarding the first single, "Highwayman":
"That song transcends space and time... best thing I have ever heard."
Welcome to the hype machine (aka the hyperbolic chamber)!
As for my last week of adventures, there's too much to go into. Highlights include driving with Dad through a window shattering Montana thunder storm at 3 a.m., giving my Grandma Herak a foot rub, sushi w/ Julia in Missoula, talking politics with my Uncle Dan, seeing my mom for the first time in five weeks, kickin' it with all the Herak relatives at Julianna's wedding, and canoeing down Flathead River with Teresa.
Teresa, who is walking across America, and whom I didn't expect to see, arrived to Missoula during my date with Julia. As awkward as that sounds, everything seemed to turn out fine. We all three drank beer.
Two days later she (Teresa) and I hijacked a Greyhound and rode back to NoDak.
Watch video stream of original author, Jimmy Webb, sing and perform Highwayman on Piano here:
Your cover of this classic song rocks. You guys did a great job.
i guess that means teresa isn't walking across america anymore?
does this also mean the date with julia turned into a date with teresa?
i think you have song material in giving gramma a foot massage
Teresa's walking, riding, boating, and busing across America. She mostly walks though.
The date w/ Julia expanded into hanging out with not only Teresa, but lots of Julia's friends, too. Teresa ended up staying at Julia's that night and I stayed at my Aunt Theresa's place.
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