Monday, March 23, 2009

Cosmic glory, expanded . . .

Super Sunday in New Orleans.

I saw the Revolution Second Line brass marching band and also the Uptown Mardis Gras Indians, who were partaking in their most fantastic parade of the year. The two groups merged at Taylor Park, where a funk band was playing.

Xelaju's friend Carl bought a fat sack of boiled red crawdads, so we sat on the grass sucking juices and meat from the shells. Around us were rickety old wooden buildings with hurricane-damaged roofs, or no roofs at all. Pit bulls, gold teeth, Obama shirts, hair weaves--damn! No signs of North Dakota or Montana anywhere, except for colorful headdresses and dancing brown-skinned people. It was a pow wow, for sure.
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
--e.e. cummings


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the fantastic visions you whispered to the wind with these seemingly coincidental results. Thank you for sharing your visions with us and may all of your beautiful dreams come true.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are shooting fun footage ;) - lawrence

Anonymous said...

So, are the Mardi Gras Indians the same as the Wild Tchopatulas (horrendous spelling, I know!)??? I was mad for them -- did they die out?

I hope the pit bulls had gold teeth.

Now gimme a sack fulla crawdads, Daddy-o!