Thursday, September 22, 2005

I totally just got sucked into the internet vacuum. I started watching crazy motocross videos, and Paris Hilton commercials, and Chris Rock comedy sound bytes, and Dick Cheney outtakes. I forgot to eat dinner, even.

Hopefully you can't relate.

Now I'm planning my exodus out of North Dakota. Only for a few days, though. I have a show in Basin, MT. Then I'll visit my dear Grandma Viola in Charlo. Her nursing home is actually in Pablo, but it's all Charlo to me. A priest gave her her "last rites" a couple days ago, but that doesn't mean anything. I've said it before-- she's the scrappiest woman west of the Divide. I just want to rub her feet some more. She's got nice Irish feet. Both her parents were Irish immigrants with the last name of Sullivan (there are LOTS of Sullivans in County Cork, so many they had different clan names). Grandma had nine children and three miscarriages in fourteen years. She also raised cattle and wheat with Grandpa Herak, who died in 1987. She's a tough liberal Catholic Democrat. She met John and Jackie Kennedy once.

Click on photo for close-up. Grandma's the pretty middle-aged woman in the middle.

My mom, Mary, is her oldest daughter (back row, center, cat-rimmed glasses).


Anonymous said...

Which songs did you lose in your crazy poker game Sandman? Sounds like Micheal jackson owning the Beatles catalogue. Perhapes you should give up gambling...
Rock on!

Anonymous said...

how was the trip to montana?
did you hitch-hike there?

Chris Sand said...

I leave tomorrow.

Chris Sand said...

As for the songs I lost in the poker game: "Radio Works Fine," "Imaginary World," "Rock Star Lover from Xanadu," "," "Sandy Goodnight's Intro," and a couple more. I can't remember.

I don't play poker anymore. I punched a wall and sprained my wrist after that episode. It's strange that my worst sports injury was during a poker game.