Friday, July 29, 2005

Twenty pages left...


Anonymous said...

have you gone to look at any of the paintings discussed in the book? i bought a print of the last supper just to study it. ha... once again, fiction.

ivee (*

Chris Sand said...


Check out and it shows the pictures he refers to. I'm wondering if the "Last Supper" you bought is altered from his original...

Anonymous said...

I don't know... I looked at the virgin on the rocks and I still don't see it... the print i bought of the last supper was prerestoration, though... so, that could be it. i've also looked in other books and on different websites. i've always thought that was a woman to jesus's right. i see that much... but i don't think the hand is ethereal and the people don't look as menacing as he portrays... the 'M' or 'V' shape he refers to was a common composition for that time. he does bring up a lot of interesting points that i have heard expressed throughout the years by many people... it is something to think about but in the end it's a fictional book.