Monday, February 17, 2003

I have other shows lined up, but I don't yet feel organized enough to put them on the calendar-- soon I'll unveil the whole magnificent series and you'll see that I have shows every night, sometimes twice. All the radio stations will be promoting me and the villages will be littered with flyers. The entertainment sections of local newspapers will position my article and color-picture on the top half of the front-page. "He's an overnight sensation!!" they'll say, but you'll know that I've been here for years entertaining the locals from Bozeman to Eugene to Moscow to Anacortes. My career will be compared to Chuck Berry and Jonathan Richman and Jimmie Rodgers. My wealth will be considerable. The hemorroids will disappear...

As for poker, I lost $4.50 last night. I silk-screened 75 new "Sandman" shirts today and will do the other 75 tomorrow.

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