Tuesday, November 05, 2019

I’m THRILLED to be part of this upcoming event at Zootown Arts Community Center for many reasons: 1) It’s being organized by the brilliant Montana Area Music Association who are helping create a vibrant new music scene across Big Sky Country, 2) It’ll be my first time performing at the new ZACC, and their music venue is rockin', 3) It’ll be my debut playing as a trio with talented, dynamic pals Ian Smith & Grace McNamee Decker on fiddle, 4) I’ll get to hear JUNIOR for the first time live, 5) Two other top-notch local bands will be unveiled—The Vintage and MissAlaneous & The Caravan Band! Come early, it might sell out. And don’t forget to bring your mamas! 

#meetyourmama #montanaareamusicassociation #mama4mt #montana #music #montanamusic #supportlocalmusic #missoulaareamusicassociation #MAMA #babymama4mt #artsmissoula #ZootownArtsCommunityCenter #musicians4MAMA #rappincowboy

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