Nine days ago "Bidder Bandito" nudged the price for 319 JOE's front license plate to $60. With a $60 bid "Bandito" will potentially win the plate, Joe's ignition key, random official car "papers" (insurance stuff, etc.) and a video of me singing "319 JOE." For a mere $10 more the next bidder could acquire all of that PLUS any Sandman CD they so choose.
The plate alone is worth $500, right? Now's your chance.
you still want one plate in the sandman museum in winona? we are ready to receive it. 1/2/06?
-lonesome shorty
yes sir. i'll bring it.
i thought if i bid $70 i also got to marry you...
do you sell your cd's at any of the business places in the area? Ilo bar?
i don't sell any cds at any stores or bars around here. i will sell them to anyone who calls or emails me. or knocks on my door.
"buddingbidder" - yes, you do get to marry me. but first you're family must present me with a dowry: goats, sheep, llamas, etc.
okay then-- $70. but the family's not gonna start delivering the dowry until the bidding's over...
fair enough . . . and thanks for the $10 add on.
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