As requested, here's a pic of Joe in his healthier days. I'm yawning for some reason. 319 JOE, while still rolling, exemplified what Herbie only wished he could be: Bedrock.
For those of you who haven't heard his theme song, here are the lyrics:
319 Joe, yr a good little car
You'll drive me to the store, you'll drive me to the bar
You'll drive me to my job, if I let you drive that far
319 Joe, yr a good little car
Chorus 1:
Go little Joe, Go little Joe
From Vancouver Island, all the way to Buffalo
Head down to the southland, don't forget my guitar
319 Joe, yr a good little car
Your windows fog up, and this I do not like
And your brakes and your clutch, well they don't work right
And your engine blew up after two weeks on the tar
But 319 Joe, yr a good little car
Chorus 2:
Go little Joe, Go little Joe
From Vancouver Island, all the way to Mexico
From the badlands of Alberta, to the coastline of Del Mar
319 Joe, yr a good little car
Well, 319 Joe ain't a truck or a van
He's a little station wagon made somewhere in Japan
And I'll love him forever and protect him from the wreckin' yard
'Cause 319 Joe, yr a good little car
Chorus 3:
Go little Joe, Go little Joe
From Vancouver Island, all the way to Tokyo
You're a workin' class hero, no big superstar
319 Joe, yr a good little car
what're we up to anyway? did someone bid $70?
no one has bid $70 yet. it's yours for the takin' if you may.
remind us again what we get-- one of the license plates, an autographed photo, a video, a song dedicated to the winning bidder, and a night exploring your sex addiction. did i leave anything out?
At $70 you'll get a license plate, Joe's key, insurance papers, etc. you'll get a video of me singing "319 Joe." i can personalize the intro to it if you'd like. I'll also throw in whichever of my CDs you'd like. As the pot gets higher I'll add more things.
no sex until we're married, though.
how much to get married?
yr soul. and another $10!
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