Saturday, April 19, 2003

Still in New York. I need to get back to Philly to get my car so I can drive the seven hours to New Hampshire today. Last night I stayed at the famed graffiti writer, Shoan One's, apartment. He, I, and his Serbian friend, Petar, walked about thirty blocks for no particular reason except to maybe view beautiful, ancient Columbia University at night. Earlier in the day I lounged around Mush's East Village apartment and had lunch at a Venezuelan restaraunt. Perhaps I should rewind to my last hours in D.C. where I spent the day with Heather Jones...

...and what a tour-guide she was! By day's end I'd seen the Pentagon, White House, Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the Viet Nam and Korean war memorials, a bunch of musuems, and other famous landmarks. The museums were the most amazing as they were filled with art that blew my mind-- original statues and paintings by all of the most famous artists of the last fifteen-hundred years. To gaze deeply into one of Van Gogh's self-portraits, for example, is unexpectedly chilling. Warhol still confuses me, but maybe that's his point. After a day of this, I was zoned out; plus the temperature was over 80 degrees. I drove to Philly and arrived at Jessica and James' by 11:00 pm. Jessica had given birth to her first baby that morning: a long-limbed boy named Aiden. I spent the next day doing nothing and the morning after that I walked around with my friend Jan Brottman, who also lives with Jessica along with her boyfriend, Michael. (I'm cutting corners now since I need to run catch my train soon... In fact, I better leave right now.)

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