Olga was one of the humblest, gentlest people I've ever known. She'd lived alone in the family farmhouse since the late '60s, when Great-uncle Art died. She did everything the old-fashioned way; she never even had running water in her home until she moved in to Killdeer about 15 years ago. Sometimes I'd ride one of my grandpa's horses over the mountain to visit her grandkids, who lived near her. Justin, Sarah, Amy, and I would walk to Olga's, eat homemade caramel rolls with milk, and play games like lawn darts and Annie-I-Over.
Goodbye, sweet Olga.
How sad. I knew it was close but it's still a shock. Give my love and condolences to the family. I wish I could be there.
Hi Chris,
You're right about Olga being one of the sweetest women in the world...She sort of seemed to me like she'd be around forever. It's tough when wonderful people like this die. When Evelyn dies it will be extremely difficult too. Take care. I wish I could be there too. Love you.
I'm sorry for your loss, and for your whole family's loss. What a wonderful person to have had in your life, and just think of how much she added to the lives of her family, friends and community over so many years. We're blessed to have those people in our lives.
aunt olga was a very special aunt. Infact,she was one of my favorites. She always had time for us kids and was a great listener. She wasloved much. Christi
chris thanks for writing in your journal about grandma,she will be missed by all and i agree with you she was a saint to all of us,it was a very fitting day for her funeral sunshining little breeze,the horses following us along the fence as we drove to whetstone cemetary.she will be miss by so many who's lives she touched,
thanks again for the kind words
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