Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I've been getting some cool emails this last week:

"After seeing your concert and reading your zine I was completely enchanted with your complete love and dedication to your music. As a musician and songwriter, it is very comforting to see a performer who dedicates himself completely to the music inside of him with complete disregard for radio or financial success. You have the spirit and the talent of the greats and I hope one day you will receive the recognition you so rightfully deserve." C___ from Mt. Vernon, WA.

"I am in a Poetry of Rock class...studying the history of rock and roll...lyrically and socially. We are required to give presentations for a final project and my group will be giving a presentation on Sandman the Rappin Cowboy, the evolution and influences of your music, at least as much as we know from the music and lyrics...just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I appreciate you and your music." D____ from Fargo, ND

"I saw you for the first time at the Mississippi studios a few weeks ago, and I would love to see you again...I bought a cd at the show and I'm in love." L____ from Portland, OR.

"your show was amazing and i am becoming a big fan of the rappin cowboy...i have been listening to all 3 of your albums and getting songs stuck in my head...i grew up on a farm in new jersey listening to hank it is great to get back into some funky country music." K____ from S.F., CA.

"Thank you for playing the Magic Theatre last night. The performances were breathtaking. I brought two people who work on the air force base nearby (we're all enlisted) and they really enjoyed the time they had there. I have been a big fan of yours since crimethinc. introduced me to your cd." K____ from Nevada City, CA.

"Hey sandman,
I hope you NEVER EVER EVER stop blogging... I get so much enjoyment reading you every day.... I just love your words: so free and inspired - so refreshing..." A_____ from Oahu, Hawaii.

"Hi, Karen:
My good friend, Chris "Sandman" Sand will be in the area and would LOVE to play that evening as our replacement. Chris is a true bonafide songwriter, an amazing singer and genuine cowboy poet...honest to God if there was one unsigned, underground folk musician traveling the circuit today that I can vouch for its Chris. He is the REAL deal!" J___ from St. Paul, MN.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. They fuel me!

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