Fortunately, the monthly mortgage is only $55. Cell phone $50. Car insurance $40. Internet and house telephone $70. Other utilities $80. Food $120. I don't have health insurance, child support bills, pets, credit card debt, or expensive habits. I don't drive my car much.
I spend money mostly on (1) music related projects: recording, manufacturing, promotion, and distribution of songs, and (2) house improvement.
With $1500 in the bank and scant trucking opportunities, I won't have enough cash to continue paying bills and travel to South America this winter. Instead, I'll tour the southern U.S. in January and February and peddle wares and services.
I am pleased to report that digital downloads are picking up.

This free time also allows space to cook quality meals, research history on the web, and visit kin. Today I walked to Dunn Center City Hall and played pinochle for three hours with a group of thirty friends, senior citizens all. Neighbor Alice sent me home with a ham, lettuce, and cheese sandwich and some coconut caramel cake.
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