News from Sandland:Picked two ice-cream pails of chokecherries and wild plums. Syrup soon.
Moving earth around for a patio on the east side of house.
Aunt Christi and Uncle Ken are visiting G & G. They are hosting a steak and salmon supper. Cousin Justin and his wife, Sarah, will be there, too.
The temperature has hovered around 90 F. this week.
Last week, neighbors Ed and Barb took Hana and me out for a spin around Lake Sakakawea on their pontoon boat. We indulged in much swimming and eating of snacks. In the evening, we witnessed a large harvest moon rising over Beulah.
Ed and Barb have a garden that Hana helps water and weed. We receive abundant veggies in return.
Hana and I bought two old blue one-speed bikes at a yard sale.
I lay on the humid prairie tonight and watched the air.