11 Sandfastic things about my Minnesota weekend:1. The holiness of the Mississippi River in mid-May.
2. Cruising and cuddling with Miranda and introducing her to my Winona friends.
3. My '89 Buick Century steed, "Excalibur," making the pilgrimage w/out a hitch.
4. Selling all 60 CDs that I took along (minus one solitary
blackhole disc) and all but three pillowcases.
5. Leading an "MLK (Folk Legend)" sing-along at a school in Minnesota City with a group of students who were studying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
6. Enjoying Katie Mae's organic farm-fresh brunch (and her blackcap jam/cayenne pepper/hard-boiled egg care basket!).
7. Learning from Froseph and Julia to craft flutes out of dandelion stalks.
8. The group of rowdy, enthusiastic, beer-guzzlin' dudes at the L-Cove.
9. Meeting nice new people everywhere and revisiting old chums like Alex, Tiffany, Brian, Elle, Jamie, Froseph, etc.
10.Selling a pink thong (a trial merchandise item) and some Pakistani bubble gum to my friend Derrick's hot mom.
11. Entertaining at Brandon's Waconia birthday/graduation show, a wholesome good time in the country. It took place under a big tent with young 'uns, the elderly, and an array of healthy fixings. At night's end I was generously handed a $300 check and a bountiful bag of leftover vittles for my return trip.
The show in Fargo was mostly a flop, but my cousins Dennis and Sean unexpectedly showed up, which made it all worth it. Sean gave Miranda, Osita, and me some gas money and a Burger King debit card. We then drove all night until we reached Winona at 5 AM and crashed on Jamie and Froseph's couch until noon.